Reflections on 2019 and Looking Ahead with Dr. Michael Barnes

Season’s greetings from the Foundry clinical team! In a recent conversation with a friend, he asked me to pick my favorite holiday. I quickly responded, “New Year’s Day!” My answer comes from my annual practice of taking time to reflect on the past twelve months. Within that process, I stop to take stock of our program's wins, losses, and lessons learned.
What jumps out at me is how much our program has evolved and grown since the start of the year. Every aspect of our program has been assessed and updated:
- We have clarified our developmental model that more consistently allows clients to focus on addiction recovery, while simultaneously addressing issues of safety, autonomic nervous system dysregulation, and resolution of active trauma symptoms. Within this process, clients focus on connecting to others, trust, and attunement to needs that enhance their likelihood of embracing the fellowship of 12 step and other social support networks.
- We have expanded our trauma awareness and clinical focus to include work across the trauma continuum. This expansion allows us to help clients who are struggling with PTSD, Developmental/Complex Trauma, and the Primary and Secondary trauma that is experienced by family members.
- We have expanded our use of EMDR to include the DeTUR model for reducing the impact of addiction triggers and cravings. We have also introduced Brainspotting, somatic psychotherapy, and John Bruna’s Mindfulness in Recovery program.
- We made improvements to our Partial-Hospital (PHP), which has grown to include an 8 bed, community-based sober living unit, where participants live in a townhouse in Steamboat Springs and receive clinical services at the Ranch. Each participant is able to maintain their relationship with their primary therapist and continue to work on developmentally appropriate treatment plan objectives.
- We also improved the Equine Therapy Program so that it is now fully on-sight and provided to all participants in our Residential and PHP levels of care.
2020 will be another year of growth and development for the Foundry clinical program. We are currently developing a 90-day trauma integrated addiction program and a new multidisciplinary family program. The 90 days program will provide participants with increased integration as they move through various levels of care and into increased community participation. The family program will incorporate onsite service, in conjunction with remote educational and clinical activities that will be provided via computer. This integrated family program will allow us to promote family healing for the families of all of our clients, whether they are in Steamboat Springs, the Front Range, or across the country!
We want to thank all of our friends and referral resources for their support and the confidence that you have shown in our staff and clinical program throughout 2019! We hope that 2020 is a great year for you and for everyone who gives so much to the clients and families that we serve!

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