Community, Connection, and Compassion

WOW!! I really struggled with this month’s article. I scribbled ideas on paper for a few weeks throwing ideas around. Should we talk about COVID FOMO?! Is that really a thing?! People feeling like they should be cleaning out their closets or learning a new language because everyone else SEEMS to be doing it. Should we talk about the things we CAN control, our fitness, our food intake, our own positivity?!Should we talk about the amazing resources that have come to light during such a dark time?! Should we make a top ten list of things we can do right now, get good sleep, keep a routine, reach out to loved ones?! Should we talk about what kind of humans we will come out on the other side as, more compassionate, more aware, with better hand washing skills?! You can see my dilemma, right?!
All of these things are justas important as the next. We scroll through social media, we watch the news, we listen to those we trust and respect yet the fear still looms. How long will it last?! What will happen to my job?! Will someone I know get sick?! What will normal look like?! Will I ever hug my friends again?!
We can only rely on what we know now more than ever. And, that my friends, is COMMUNITY! This is your crew, your squad, your family, your town, your world, your community. Helen Keller’s famous words, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much,” hang right above us.
We are truly in this together more than ever and more than anything we have ever faced. It is time to unite and fight as one. Do you part.
So, here is your go to list of how to connect, be compassionate, and help serve or ignite YOUR community all the while practicing your best shelter in place and hand washing skills.
Remember to keep it simple.Don’t overwhelm yourself with huge to do lists to add to anxiety. Pick one thing and make it great.
1. MOVE DAILY (alphabet movement, dog walks, zoom workouts)
2. CONNECT (try calling a friend this week that you haven’t touched base with in a while or setup a FUN zoom happy hour or game night with friends)
3. LIMIT YOUR SCREEN AND NEWS TIME (schedule these things in as if they were an appointment, when time is up, move on)
4. GET OUTSIDE (as much as you can, fresh air is an instant mood lifter)
5. CALL YOUR PARENTS(they will LOVE hearing from you)
6. HAVE SOME SCHEDULED DOWNTIME (just like the screen time, schedule it, make it happen and get creative-this might mean learning something new to some and a nap for others)
7. SHOP LOCAL (buy a gift card to support a local business or get some take-out food, even better get some take-out food for a neighbor)
8. OFFER HELP (seek out those who can’t shop or offer to help someone in need)
9. SMILE (it will help your mood instantly and remember to smile at others even if that is from your window)
10. MAKE A SIGN (sing at 7pm, howl at 8pm, whatever it means to you, show your support for those working the frontlines)
For those of you struggling mentally or physically, reach out! There are so many online resources to connect and meet-up. On the walls of many AA or NA rooms, we see these words, “We don’t heal in isolation but in community.” S.Harrell
WE GOT THIS COMMUNITY! Try asking yourself these daily questions to remember all the things we are grateful for. See you on the other side for a GIANT hug!
Sarah Coleman
Wellness Coach, Foundry Treatment Center
Personal Trainer, CrossFitter andCoach, Steamboat CrossFit
Food connoisseur /Culinary Artist, Bitchin’Kitchin’
Outdoor Enthusiast, Everywhere
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